Most important is the Clarisonic. The new Clarisonic Plus deserves attention of sonic boom proportions. It is already the most recommended skin care system of professionals and celebrities. You may have noticed at your last visit to your esthetician, that she pulled out the nifty tool. That's because spas love the Clarisonic. Why not have spa worthy appliances at home?
When you clean your skin, most of the dirt comes off. With the Clarisonic, pretty much ALL the dirt and grime comes out of your pores and minimizes them as well. It removes up to 6x's as much make up. My favorite part about it, is you can use it twice a day and your skin feels smooth immediately after you cleanse. Having Smooth, super-clean skin is what helps absorb the skin care products you apply after cleansing more effectively. The Clarisonic is kind of like a Kirby as opposed to a regular vacuum...hahaha. But seriously, all kidding aside, it's the best way to describe the amazing action that took place on my skin.

And now the new Clarisonic Plus comes with a Spot Therapy Brush that can be used on your decollete, hands, knees, and elbows by simply changing out the facial brush. It comes along with the new Refining Skin Polish and an international charging cradle! Also it has customizable T-Timer that informs you when it is running low on power. I have recently been using it to cleanse well before I exfoliate to prepare for my self tanning extravaganza that happens every few days.
The Clarisonic was developed by the inventor of the Sonicare tooth brush. Are you surprised? Great teeth, great skin. Now go out to Sephora, where the Clarisonic is exclusively sold for $225, and grab one for yourself! It just launched this past February, so if you didn't get your hands on the first Clarisonic, now is your chance for the Plus. You will thank me I'm sure.
Visit www.clarisonic.com for more on the deets.