What it is:
It is the most powerful at home anti-aging photo rejuvenation device that is available on the market. To put it bluntly, Spa owners and Cosmetic Surgeons may not be to pleased that their secret is out, and this amazing trinket is now available for at home use. Once upon a time, it used to be exclusively available for in-office use only by professionals. Made out of Aircraft quality aluminum, this baby means business.
There are two types of babies. The Baby Quasar Red is for pigmentation issues, those who have been slave to the sun, fine lines and wrinkles and un-even skin tone. The Baby Quasar Blue is for those with enlarged pores, scars, or acne.

What it does:
The Baby Quasar uses Sequepulse technology, that has four waves of red and infrared light. By delivering the light directly and painlessly to the face, it re-builds collagen and hyaluronic acid. It's these two ingredients that keep us young! When they start to fade, that is when lines, age spots, and skin starts to sag. The light stimulates blood flow and cellular metabolism, and erases any redness skin may have.
It is the perfect partner for someone who does micro dermabrasion and is left with irritated skin. Roughly six weeks after continuous usage, a younger and more vibrant complexion emerges. Although, great results may appear as soon as two weeks into therapy.
My Experience:
When the package arrived, it was very similar to an actual "baby" arriving at the house. After much anticipation, I was eager to find out what this little shower head shaped device was going to do for me.
My issues are un-even skin due to sun exposure (lots of redness) and fine lines (yep heading towards the 30's).
After only using the Baby Quasar for four week - I have already noticed that not only have the fine lines on my forehead actually disappeared, but the redness has gone. GONE. No where to be found. Where is the red irritated skin that was driving my cheeks and forehead nuts? Not on my face, that's certain.
I've been asked several times if I've been getting facials and told that my skin has looked better then ever. What was really surprising is that my monthly break out did not arrive. I usually have a break out on my chin area around that time.This month, the break out was a no-show.

Why you should run out and get it....Now:
There are no side effects and it's easy to use. If you can hold a telephone then you can use the Baby Quasar.
The Baby Quasar uses the same strength and technology as professional devices. So it's basically like having an esthetician in your own home. You'll save in the long run. Photo rejuvenation at the spa or Dr.'s Office can cost upwards of $2000 not including follow up visits. The Baby Quasar is only $449 and will always be an arms reach away. If you have never felt compelled to run out and get anything else that I have ever suggested, let this one be the first.
***AN EXPERIMENT (Don't try this at home) I was told that if the Baby was used prior to sun exposure that "one would not burn". I took it to the test and did not use sun block, lounged outside for two hours (just enough time, where some redness should have occurred), no redness. I use the Baby Quasar religiously every three days and will continue to do so.
To purchase the Baby Quasar Red or Baby Quasar Blue visit www.babyquasar.com they are also available at Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus