Sunday, 27 September 2009

At lightning speed

Have you been lucky enough to try the lightning speed hair dryer: PowerLight™ Pro-Dryer from Bio Ionic® at your salon, or have you purchased it? It's available for $200 this month at salons. As soon as I get my glossy paws on it, there will be a review. In the mean time here are the deets:

The PowerLight™ uses 1875 Watts to propel excess water away from the scalp while delivering ionized & micronized molecules deep inside for deep, intensive hydration. Basically it sounds like this could be a possible God-send-time-saver for us Grecians with long thick hair. The real test would be trying this out on a briskly damp October day.

The breakthrough technology from Bio Ionic® has allowed them to create a light weight dryer with air-force needed for thick, coarse hair - as opposed to other models that give you your morning work out sans the gym membership.

One major difference is that with other heavy dryers, they may get your hair dried quickly but they also draw out all the moisture leaving it frizzy. Inside the end of the dryer barrel there are 8 white visible Nano Beads. These patent-pending beads contain NanoIonic™ Mineral –the same one that’s found elsewhere in the dryer to emit Natural Negative Ions and Far Infrared Energy. The result is double the negative ions found in other ionic dryers out today, and double the conditioning power!

I'm insanely intrigued by this product, I mean... look at its stunning silhouette! Hopefully a review will follow shortly. Check out their website at