The technical jargon you will find on their site, is that the complexion brightening formula delivers oxygen (the third most abundant element on the earth) to the skin with an amazing Fluid02 technology. It hydrates the skin with humectant molecules that don't make skin feel greasy. It brightens and firms the skin with the most active powerful form of Vitamin C available...and protects cells from free radical damage with powerful antioxidants. It was formulated to mimic the effects of Bliss spa's famous Triple Oxygen™ Treatment facial. Of course the facial takes a while and this treat takes five minutes.

My jargon is that it works like magic. There might really be a Genei in this bottle. Like, you know when you look in the mirror and your skin looks tired and gray and dry and you just want to crawl back into bed and start your day over from scratch? That is when this mask should pop onto your vanity and you should apply it, maybe brush your teeth for five minutes, then rinse your face.
Look in the mirror. You are a new person. For real. It should only be used 3 times a week at the most. So I try to hold off until mid-week. But my skin craves it and it's beyond one of the Flava Favs. It is "The Flav Fav".
It's available at Blissworld and Sephora.