You asked I answered. The question was what lip glosses I recommend. It's a toughie. Narrowing down my favorite lip balm is terrifyingly impossible. I use a plethora of balms and glosses during the day. Every pocket, purse, glove compartment, room has lip balm waiting to be applied to my kissing utensils.
SPF on my lips is important when the sun's out but in the evening I actually only have five that I currently alternate depending on my mood. None are strangers to the market, they all have the "Glossy sheen" but each has it's own personality as well.
Jack Black and einstein lip theory have a menthol type feel/scent. So when applied, your lips feel tingly and they lock in your lip color if you wearing any or your tinted gloss beneath. The real dilemma is do you want to have to stick your finger into the tubby or carry around the tube. For moi, it totally depends on my mood and my manicure.
Lip Venom is Cinnamon-y and tingles as well. I love the way the brush glides across my lips and when on a date, I've found that guys tend to like the cinnamon scent more then the menthol. Lip Venom can also fit anywhere, it's so tiny an unsuspecting.
Lip glass is wonderful, if your going to an event or know a lot of pics will be taken, the photogs will have nothing on you with lip glass. It's ever lasting splash upon your lips will increase the sexiness of your pout in every photo.Smashbox's O glow is one that I use during the day as well. It has an ingredient that works with your own ph to add a nuatural color to your lips.