Friday, 13 March 2009


I just got mine in the mail! I ordered the DarkBlue.

Brazilets are worn fashionably throughout Latin America yet retain spiritual significance as they help grant wishes to all who wear them. Brazilets are worn by wrapping around the writs and tying three knots for three wishes: when the material wears down and the Brazilets fall off naturally, it is believed that the three wishes will come true.

To learn more about saving the Brazilian rainforests visit:

Brazilets, or: Senhor do Bonfim wrist ribbons, known as fitas, are an institution in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. Senhor do Bonfim means Our Lord of a Good End, which is one way that Bahianas refer to Jesus.

The ribbons found on the streets of Salvador have "Lembrança do Senhor do Bonfim da Bahia" printed on them. Translated from Portuguese, the phrase roughly means In Remembrance of the Savior of Bahia or Souvenir from the God of Bahia—or something along those lines.